1. Ingredients:
– Large edible snails: 1,500g
– Vemicelli: 1,000g
– Tomato: 500g
– Wine vinegar: 200ml
– Liquide lard: 100g
– Others: dried shallot, turmeric, dried chili, fish sauce, tamarind, vinegar, perilla, spring onion.

2. Instructions:
– To soak the snails in the water that was collected after wash rice to purge, wash well, chop off the pointed ends of their shells, pulling snail meat from their shell, remove snails’ stomach, soak snail meat in vinegar to remove slimy, wash again and drain. Mixing snail meat with fish sauce, minced turmeric, liquide lard and wine vinegar.
– To put liquide lard into a heat pan, fry the dried shallot until fragrant, add snail meat and stir-fry until done to a turn.
– To wash tomato and cut them into small pieces.
– To fry the dried shallot in boiling fat, add tomato and stir-fry until cooked, add wine vinegar, tamarind juice, boiling water, seasoning starch, fried snail sauce, fish sauce and continue to boil.
– To heat the fat in another pan, add minced dried chili and vinegar, stir well, set aside.
– To wash and finely chop perilla and spring onion.
– To arrange vermicelli into a large plate. When eat, put vermicelli into a bowl, place perrila, spring onion and nails on the top of vermicelli; ladle boiling snail soup into bowl. This dish served hot. You could add fried chili (depend on your taste).