The three major vegetation types at the Vo Doi Nature Reserve are ‘semi-natural’ (originally planted but no longer tended) Melaleuca forest, Melaleuca plantation and seasonally inundated grassland. Semi-natural Melaleuca forest covers a large area in the west of the site. The tree flora is dominated by Melaleuca cajuputi, although other tree species are also present, including Ilex cymosa and Alstonia spathulata. Melaleuca plantations of varying ages are distributed in the east of the nature reserve.

Travel Mekong Delta in flooding season

VietnamSurprise – From the eighth to the 11th lunar months is the annual flooding season in the Mekong Delta, it brings quite a few gifts from Mother Nature such as “Linh” freshwater fish, “Điên Điển” flowers, water lilies and other forms of aquatic wildlife.