1. Ingredients:
– French bean: 150 gr
– Thin-top mushroom: 150 gr
– Juice of pineapple: 20ml
– Young tofu: 4 sheets
– Tapioca starch: 1 teaspoon
– Sugar, pepper, salt, cooking oil.
With the gold cover, fried tofu is sweet soft because of juice from French bean and thin-top mushroom. It will be increasingly delicious level when we serve with hot rice.
2. Instruction:
– To cut tofu into square pieces. Put cooking oil into a hot pan, when the oil is hot, put tofu into the pan in order to fry until they are gold both of two faces. Washing French bean, remove their fibre, cut them into small sections. Soaking thin-top mushroom in water, pick them out, drain, cut into small pieces.
– To put cooking oil into other pan, when the oil is hot, put French bean, thin-top mushroom into the pan first, add a tablespoon of sugar, a half of teaspoon of salt, stirring well. Dissolving tapioca starch in a little of water and put it into the pan, add pineapple juice. Put tofu that is already fried into the pan and braise with a small flame. Ladling out a dish and serve with white rice.