Write for us

Vietnamsurprise.com is a Travel blog where you can write and publish your articles about Travel, Destinations, Food in the world. If you want to send us your articles, please read guidelines below:

Benefits when submit articles

  1. Allowed added 1 “dofollow” link in “Author Bio” section in each article in 1-2 months
  2. Your articles will be shared on our social networking

 Rules for a FREE guest posting

  1. Articles must be in English language
  2. The content must be related to: Travel, food, travel guide, culture, regions, destinations,…
  3. Articles must be submitted at least 600 words
  4. Articles must be unique and not copied from anywhere. You cannot re-post this article on any other websites, including your own website.
  5. Articles biased or one-sided material
  6. Articles must be has an Author Bio section where introduce about yourself and is accepted only 1 link is added here. The link is not a SCAM content, does not point to virus, phishing, multi-level marketing, political content, pornography, gambling-betting.
  7. Add at least 1 photo in
  8. No advertisement or affiliate links are allowed in the post.
  9. You are not allowed to edit your articles

Our responsibilities

  • Review your articles and decide which articles are published or not.
  • Edit your articles
  • I shall have to promote your articles to readers and social networking
  • Insert any links in the articles

We hope to build fruitful cooperation with you!