Vietnam is a beautiful, exotic travel destination with plenty to offer visitors from all walks of life. For families with children, the idea of visiting an unfamiliar country can be simultaneously frightening and exciting.
However, there’s no reason to panic. While you will likely choose points of interest and activities that are different from people without children, you can still experience the essence of the country with calm confidence. Here are three tips to get you started:
# 1. Keep a medical emergency kit with you at all times
Children don’t really face any dangers in Vietnam that they wouldn’t face at any other travel destination, but mishaps can be somewhat scarier in an unfamiliar place. Pack an emergency kit that contains bandages, ointments, children’s pain relievers, and any other items you can think of that may be useful. This is true for all trips you are taking, you never want to be without something you may need regardless of where you are.

You may also want to keep an English-Vietnamese dictionary in your kit so that you can provide a translation for doctors should your child need professional medical care. You won’t be able to have a full conversation, but it may help you to describe the basics of what happened, along with any allergies or existing medical conditions that could affect your child’s treatment.
# 2. Provide your children with identification and communication
If your child is old enough to understand how to operate a cell phone, consider purchasing a basic pay-as-you-go phone for him or her. Program the phone with your contact numbers and those of local police so that your child can quickly and easily contact you or the authorities if he or she becomes lost.
For younger children, use a special temporary tattoo to place this information on their bodies. It won’t wash or rub off easily, and authorities will be easily able to contact you if your child wanders away.
# 3. Relax and have fun

Remember, you are all here to have a good time, create memories, and live an experience than many people don’t have the opportunity to get. Plan well, prepare for what you can, and talk to your children about the importance of not wandering away from you before you ever leave for your journey. If you teach them the proper way to travel and stay together, you’ll have a very restful and educational trip. The rest will take care of itself. Who knows, you may enjoy the trip so much that you make it a tradition!
Author Bio:
Courtney Gordner is a passionate blogger and traveler who can provides translation for doctors all over the web.